Women at War Boot Camp

The TRUTH About How Every Christian Woman Can Live Healthy, Without Anxiety, Improve their Relationships and Get Answered Prayer...Even if You do not believe it is Possible!

Sister-in-Christ, Please do me a huge favor & read to the end...

Boot Camp Starts Sept. 9, 2024

$1994 Value

Only $197

Is The Women at War Boot Camp For Me?

YES! This Training is Especially for You IF You are Serious About Changing Your Life for the Better and Learning the Bible in a Deep & Powerful Way!

Isn't This What You've Been Looking For?

  • You love to pray and desire to learn more about scripture-based effective prayer so you can pray with true confidence!

  • You are eager to live the victorious lifestyle Jesus Christ went to the cross to provide so you can walk in victory and freedom!

  • You know there is more to this life, your walk and your purpose on earth and want to go deeper & pursue big goals without fear!

  • You are a Kingdom woman who realizes there's more to life as a believer than you are currently experiencing - your time is way overdue!

  • You are a "prayer warrior" and intercessor yet your prayers don't seem to be answered and you want to understand why!

  • You obey the Lord yet suffer one issue after another - the word says His promises are yes and amen so why do they escape you?

  • You are living with unhealthy fears or suffering anxiety and prayers for relief don't come!

  • You are unsure how to pray for your husband, your marriage and your children & just need peace at home!

  • You feel as if you are under constant spiritual attack and desire biblical guidance for victory!

  • You believe "this" is just how it is until you get to heaven & consider giving up on dreams that seem impossible today!

Take a moment to reflect on what your life will look like when you put these principles into action - how life changing will that be?

  • You love to pray and desire to learn more about effective prayer!

  • You love the Lord and desire to learn more about how to walk in the authority He's given you.

  • You are a woman of faith who knows there's more to your walk with the Lord than you are currently experiencing!

  • You are a "prayer warrior" and intercessor yet your prayers don't seem to be answered!

  • You obey the Lord yet suffer one health issue after another!

  • You are living with unhealthy fears or suffering anxiety!

  • You are unsure how to use your scriptural weapons in your prayer life!

  • You feel as if you are under constant spiritual warfare and desire biblical instruction on contending for victory!

  • You believe "this" is just how it is until you get to heaven!

Are You Ready for a Real Life Change?

Isn't it Time to Get Serious with Scripture, Learn how to Improve Health, Destroy Anxiety, Improve your Relationships, Hear God Yourself & Watch Scripture Come Alive?

Look at Everything You Get Today...

Unlock Your All Access Pass To Women At War

Women At War E-book

This incredible Bible study is written for women pursuing a life of victory, who want to learn how to pray powerfully and effectively, how to take their relationship with Christ to a deeper level and enjoy breakthrough in any situation!

$50 Value

Women At War Workbook

The Workbook is an important part of the Women at War bible study enhancing the education for women ready to destroy roadblocks and pursue their destiny Christ!

$50 Value

VIP Training Access

These meticulously created and recorded video sessions are designed to bring more clarity and deeper understanding to the Bible Study lessons. Learn God's word the way we should be learning!

$197 Value

24+ Hours of Instruction with Author & Mentor, Sharon Restrepo

Each session is led by Women at War Author, Sharon Restrepo, who brings her personal education and experience as well as thousands of hours of interaction with women just like you who have enjoyed amazing life breakthroughs as a result of this study!

Check out the amazing, God-created, testimonies below!

$1,797 Value


You will never pray, read the bible or walk in relationship with Jesus, the same way again! It's time you enjoy answered prayer, deeper relationship with Christ & living like a Daughter of the King!

$1,994 Value

From the desk of Sharon Restrepo,

​Author & Founder of Women at War...

Dear Sister-in-Christ,

If we've never met then you may be wondering why I am qualified to teach you the bible. That's a good question and I'd love it if you'd allow me to share my testimony.

When I was only 25 years old, I lost my first husband I'd been with since I was just 16, to a tragic accident and fell into deep depression, suffered several sudden illnesses and lived consumed with how I would commit suicide. I wanted nothing to do with the God I blamed for my heartache.

Instead, I turned to what the world offered, including alcohol and toxic relationships, which resulted in even more emptiness and pain. After years in this cycle, I experienced a sudden encounter with Jesus. In that inexplainable moment, He instantly became the God of the impossible!

I obeyed His voice and began the journey of pursuing answered prayer and living as a daughter of the King. Years later, He called me to teach His daughters what He taught me. He called it, "Women at War." It's my privilege to share that life-changing journey with you in the form of an amazing hands-on bible study. I say hands-on because I don't just teach you; rather, we walk out the word together!

I promise it will dramatically and positively improve the way you do life forever and isn't that why you are here? Once you learn how to hear God and get answered prayer, you will pursue your dreams again! That's what you want, isn't it?

When you learn how to live and pray as His word teaches, everything changes and I mean everything! If you battle anxiety like I did, health issues like I suffered, toxic relationships and trauma as I did, there is HOPE and it's in Jesus and it's in scripture. It's just that no one has explained it to you according to 1 Timothy 1:18. His word promises victory and I want to help you learn to walk in victory just as I did.

One of the benefits of the Women at War Boot Camp is that everything I teach is supported by scripture yet so many have never learned the bible in such a personal way. Most women end up saying, "Sharon, why aren't we learning this in church?" Sister, I have the same question!

You will learn to open your biblical war chest, engage with the Holy Spirit, and enjoy the love of Jesus that He is chasing you down to give. You are worthy sister! Stop believing the lies that have kept you in bondage this long!

A lifestyle of VICTORY belongs to you as a Daughter of the King! A lifestyle of victory does NOT mean you are free from problems; it means you walk through them differently! It is time to break chains and pursue the destiny He has for you. It is not too late! You can do this, right?

I can't encourage you enough to enroll, but I'm the author so I may be biased, but do me this favor. Keep reading and discover what other women just like you have shared about their Boot Camp experience!


Dear Sister-in-Christ,

I am excited you are here & learning more about the incredible Women at War Boot Camp, a Bible Study training like no other!

You may already recognize that believers are at war regardless of whether they willingly engage in the battle.

God's word teaches us that our war is not against one another, but against spiritual enemies.

Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Case in point: when I was only 25 years old, I lost my first husband I'd been with since I was just 16 to a tragic accident and fell into depression, suffered several illnesses and became consumed with how I would commit suicide. I wanted nothing to do with the God I blamed for my heartache. Instead, I turned to what the world offered which resulted in even more emptiness until suddenly, I encountered Jesus. In that inexplainable moment, He instantly became the God of the impossible!

I obeyed His voice and began the journey of becoming a woman at war. Years later, He called me to teach His daughters as He taught me. It's my privilege to share that life-changing journey with you and I promise it will dramatically and positively change the way you do life as His daughter until the day you meet Him face to face!

When you learn how to live and pray as His word teaches, everything changes! This incredible Boot Camp is created to teach you just that, as well as equip you to pray powerfully & effectively, get answered prayer, go to war for your promises according to 1 Tim. 1:18 and obtain breakthrough in any situation - It's your promise as His daughter!

In fact, the Women at War Boot Camp is "hands-on" training in that you get to join your sisters-in-Christ and apply biblical principals starting in our very first session together, as we contend in unity for breakthrough!

We will open our biblical war chest, learn to use the weapons God provided and put them to practice - not just learning about them but engaging with them in our authority and experiencing real results!

A lifestyle of VICTORY belongs to you as a Daughter of the King! Isn't it time to start living like one? A lifestyle of victory does NOT mean you are free from problems; it means you walk through them differently!

Please keep reading and discover what other Women at War have shared about their Boot Camp experience!


P.S. This may seem like an expensive course to some so let me ask you a question. What would you pay to have a mentor personally walk you through scripture on a weekly basis, answer all your questions and help you engage in the victorious relationship with Jesus you should be living already? Please keep scrolling to see all the incredible value you get for one full year.

Enjoy Live Zoom Author-led Bible Study Sessions!

Women at War

Boot Camp

When you say “Yes” to the Live virtual Women at War Boot Camp, you'll get to enjoy learning how to get answered prayer alongside new friends. It is so much easier to stay engaged when you stop doing it alone and do it with a group(check out the testimonials below)! You will become equipped to face the battles we face as women in today's fast-paced world. This eye-opening bible study is like none you've ever participated in! If you're ready for something deep and fun that will improve the way you live for the rest of your life, then enroll today!

Here's What You Can Expect From this

Incredible Biblical Training...

Week 1: Learn Your True Identity in Christ So You Can Live Victoriously!

In Week One of the Women at War Boot Camp, you will:

  • Learn the difference between praying offensively vs. defensively and why effective prayers must be prayed as His word instructs so you can pray with confidence instead of doubt!

  • "Go to War" according to the scriptural principle of 1 Timothy 1:18 when Paul instructs Timothy to contend for his promises. This is exactly what the Lord taught me when He delivered me from the spirit of suicide. You will literally learn to start "warring" with Jesus and alongside your sisters-in-Christ just as His word teaches!

  • Meet Faith-filled women just like you from across the globe gathering in the name of Jesus' to walk in the deeper relationship He so lovingly desires!

  • Discover the Victory Prayer Journey as depicted here and learn what to expect along the journey to answered prayer, so you will stop giving up on victory too soon!

Week 2: Learn to HEAR the Lord Speak So You Can Communicate with Him Daily!

In Week Two of the Women at War Boot Camp, you will:

  • Learn the MANY Ways the Lord speaks to His children so you can recognize His voice and stop wondering IF you're hearing!

  • ​Walk in the revelation of John 10:27 (Jesus says) "My sheep know my voice and I know them and they follow me." (NKJV). That's you Daughter! You will hear His voice!

  • Learn the biblical Truth about dreams & visions and how to interpret God's communication so you can get breakthrough!

  • Learn to Engage with your Helper, the Holy Spirit so you can walk in the gifts He has for you!

  • Discover whether signs and wonders like God gave Gideon are true for you too and learn to ask God for confirmation!

John 10:27 (NKJV) "My sheep know my voice and I know them and they follow me."

Week 3: Acts of Faith that Bring BREAKTHROUGH So You Can Finally Get Answered Prayer...

In Week Three of the Women at War Boot Camp, you will open your Biblical War Chest:

  • ​Open your Scriptural War Chest and begin using weapons of warfare that equip you to pray and exercise faith in ways that bring breakthrough!

  • Use Anointing Oil to break yokes of bondage, bring healing, loose protection & more so you can get freedom!

  • Decree & Declare in your authority in Christ! Stop begging God to do what He teaches is your responsibility! Step into your biblical role as a King's kid!

  • Sow and reap. If you desire to change your harvest, you must change your seed. Learn how to improve your harvest!

  • Discover what His word teaches about prayer locations, positions and times. Learn which is best for you and why!

  • Discover what His word teaches on prayer cloths & shawls!

  • Communion with the Lord isn't only for church. Learn why communion is so important, how to partake of the Lord's supper at home and what His word teaches us about this powerful act of faith!

  • Prayer language - learn more about this gift of the Holy Spirit, if it's really for every believer, for you or just a few or even biblical today?

  • Discover the biblical benefits of fasting. Learn why fasting is so crucial to our walk with the Lord, so you can fast as the bible teaches!

  • Learn how to use all the weapons of warfare necessary for victory in spiritual battles, "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the word does." 2 Cor. 10:3.

Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Week 4: Recognize Roadblocks to Breakthrough So You Can Stop the Enemy in his Tracks!

In Week Four of the Women at War Boot Camp, I will expose:

  • ​How the enemy deceives and hinders your beliefs so that he can keep you sick, broke and powerless!

  • The root of many health and financial issues so you can learn to identify and uproot them, be healed and set free to fulfill your destiny!

  • The truth about Soul Ties and how to break demonic hindrances in your marriage, family and relationships so they no longer affect your prayers!

  • Whether curses still apply today and how to break free from curses in your life and in your family so you can release blessing instead!

  • Spiritual Warfare and how scripture instructs a King's kid to defeat her enemy without fear!

Week 5: Walking in My God Given Gifts So I can Fulfill My Destiny!

In Week Five of the Women at War Boot Camp, you will learn:

  • ​Whether a personal prayer language is biblical and essential for me, His daughter!

  • Discerning of spirits, why it's essential to have and how powerfully it impacts your life!

  • How a Prophetic gift operates and how to properly share prophetic words with others so you don't offend or share incorrectly, as well as how to receive a prophetic word to ensure it's of the Lord!

  • Wisdom vs. Zeal and how to properly manage both as the hands and feet of Jesus without falling into the enemy's trap!

  • How to be anointed for your assignment - this is a must to fulfill your destiny in the protection of the Lord!

  • Five-Fold Ministry and what this means today and which role you play!

Week 6: Prophetic Prayer Night...

In Week Six of the Women at War Boot Camp, you will enjoy:

  • Prophetic Personal Prayer! In this unique session, you will receive personal prayer in which one of our Women at War intercessors prays prophetically for you!

  • Heavenly Activation! One of the common benefits of this unique night is the release of words of knowledge for His daughters!

  • Petitioning Heaven for answered prayer and breakthrough together - let's agree for the desires of your heart to be fulfilled!

  • Defining Your Destiny as we seek the Lord together for your unique anointing and destiny in Him to become clear to you!

Week 7: Living Victoriously as a Wife, Mother & Businesswoman...

In Week Seven of the Women at War Boot Camp, you will learn:

  • ​How King's daughters participate in lawsuits and court proceedings, so you avoid court and manage disagreements His way!

  • ​How the believer gives the enemy the legal right to hinder any or every area of their lives & how to avoid his traps!

  • To unite in marriage as a spiritual power couple and how to properly walk alongside your husband whether he is "equally" yoked or not so there is peace in your home!

  • To teach your kids to war - there is no junior Holy Spirit. The same God wants a personal relationship with your children too, regardless of their age. Discover how to steward your children & nurture their relationship with Christ so they are warriors in the Kingdom!

  • To Prepare the Proverbs 31 woman inside of you to successfully launch into marketplace ministry according to Prov. 31:16 (NIV) She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

Week 8: Equipped to Stay the Course So that Everything You Learn is Put to Practice!

In Week Eight of the Women at War Boot Camp, you will have:

  • ​The understanding of self-deliverance vs. deliverance by others so you are set free to succeed in life!

  • Practical biblical strategies for recognizing the enemy in advance, avoiding his pitfalls and living your victorious life in Christ!

  • Your biblical map for warring through any situation so you are always intimately engaged with the Lord!

  • Godly confidence to exercise your scriptural authority & walk in your identity in Christ just as a Daughter of the King should!

  • The Armor of God upon you daily according to Ephesians 6 so you are properly dressed to walk prepared as His daughter!


"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Hosea 4:6

Your Mentor During The

Women at War ​Boot Camp...

Woman at War, Sharon Restrepo...

...is a wife, mother and friend, as well as a business and ministry leader, best-selling author, national speaker, mentor and Jesus follower!

Sharon shares practical biblical strategies that provide victory for the busy and often burdensome life His daughters find themselves living in today's world!

When you enroll in the Boot Camp taught by Sharon, you get to know her personally and she gets to know you too. How often can you get mentored by the author herself, one who genuinely cares about your walk with the Lord and your victory?

Sharon responded to the Lord's call to, "Teach His Daughters what He taught her" and that's exactly what the Women at War Boot Camp was created to accomplish. Don't miss it!

Are You Ready for a Real Life Change?

That's what Jesus Does!

You are Good Ground Daughter. Isn't it Time You Invested in You?

What Others Are Saying About

Sharon's Training & Expertise!

Video Testimonies

Gina's Testimony

Maria's Testimony

Renee's Testimony


"I no longer worry and suffer with depression or anxiety
(a label given me, taking medicine since a very young adult).

I have learned how to co-labor with God and go to war. I have freedom in Christ and I cannot wait to go through the Bible Study all over again.

Thank you so much Sharon for being a wonderful person, teacher of God's word and sharing your story.

You and Women at War are truly a blessing to many!"


"It was as if I had actually been asleep for the last 40 years of my faith walk and now I am wide awake. I knew this study may push the boundaries of my comfort zone, but this is after all the only way to grow in your spiritual walk.

Everything about the way I think, talk, and act is different now that I have taken the 'Women at War' study. Terms such as: praying in agreement, prayer language, walking in Christ’s authority, covenants, being yoked, and warring for my promises are now everyday conversations with my family and friends.

I have so much more joy and peace in my life. I live a life of dependence on Christ and I understand His Word."


"Whether you have been walking with the Lord for a few months or walking with Him for years, Women at War will bless you.

After learning what it means to be a Woman at War, my life is changed!

I never knew the significance of praying God’s Word and declaring His promises over my life. Where there was doubt planted in me, now there is certainty. Where there was insecurity, I am now filled with confidence."


Here's Everything You Get When You Enroll in the

Women at War Boot Camp...

  • ​8 Live Virtual sessions, including 8 live virtual Q&A sessions, bringing scriptural strategies alive in your life, along with access to the recorded replays!

  • Sessions take place on Monday evenings starting at 6pm EST with our optional One Hour Q&A session, starting Bible Study Training at 7pm - 9pm EST via Zoom. We often end our Boot Camps with final Monday & Tuesday back-to-back sessions!

  • ​Membership inside of our private Women at War Boot Camp Facebook group alongside your sisters-in-Christ participating in the same 8-session Boot Camp providing you the opportunity to ask questions, watch replays and enjoy access to valuable benefits during the life of your Boot Camp!

  • One year's 24/7 e-access to our Women at War Bible Study e-course, which includes the Women at War Book in PDF & Audio so you can listen from your devices!

  • One year's 24/7 e-access to the Women at War Workbook so you can "do the work" to apply the lessons in the bible study!

  • One year's 24/7 e-access to the Bible Study Training Videos sharing the concepts taught in the Women at War Bible Study!

  • One year's enrollment to all Live Virtual Women at War Boot Camps, expiring 12 months following the date of Boot Camp purchase! This means you can attend ALL scheduled Boot Camps during this time-frame!

  • Invitation to join our Women at War Group | Equipping the Proverbs 31 Woman for Success private Facebook community where we deliver value, support, prayer and other benefits to His Daughters to help them maintain their deeper walk with the Lord!

  • ​What if I enroll and don't feel like I am a good fit for the Boot Camp?

    MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! If you enroll and attend the first Bible Study session and feel that the Boot Camp is not a good fit for you for any reason, then simply email us at [email protected] within 24 hours of attending the session and you will receive a full refund. Your removal in the Boot Camp Facebook group and access to the e-course will be withdrawn for your convenience.

  • Do I really receive ONE FULL YEAR of everything mentioned above?

    YES! You will receive ONE FULL YEAR's access to the e-course described above, ONE FULL YEAR's attendance in each scheduled Women at War Boot Camp during that year, along with all included benefits!

  • Do I have to install any software programs to access my e-course?

    The only app needed is the Free Zoom meeting app. You will need to install the app on any device you will use to attend the live virtual sessions; however, the education platform we use to host your e-course does not require you to download. You will receive a link to login, set up your account and access your materials.

  • What if I don't have a Facebook account - can I still attend the Boot Camp?

    YES you can! The Facebook account enables you to become a member of the private Women at War Boot Camp community for the life of the scheduled Boot Camp. There is a great amount of additional value, benefit and resources available to being a member of the community; however, it is not a requirement. The live training sessions are hosted on Zoom, not Facebook.

If this sounds like the life change you're seeking, then enroll in the


Daughter of the King, I encourage you to join your tribe at

Women at War & enjoy the journey into a deeper relationship alongside Jesus and new friends too!

Jesus paid the price - stop carrying what no longer belongs to you!

Enroll now & enjoy the biggest transformation of your life - you'll be so glad you did!

Sharon Restrepo is a genuine educator and encourager who loves to share her life's experiences, knowledge and faith in everything she does.

Her motivational story of overcoming suicide after suddenly being widowed 25+ years ago plays a pivotal role in her life. Sharon shares from a place of transparency, humor and vulnerability, in a way that all audiences relate, learn and experience personal and business growth as a result.

Statement of Faith: "We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God who came to earth through virgin birth, sinless in life, purposed to die on the cross for our sins, making a way of forgiveness and giving those who receive Him as their Savior the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven."

Copyright © 2024 | All Rights Reserved
[email protected]

Restrepo Enterprises, Inc. dba Women At War
PO Box 1494, Rockwell, NC 28138